Status Update
Translation into EN published on 2021-02-02
The year 2021 logically starts on the same beta-blocked foundations as the previous one (1), considering that the whole instruction of my beta-cassation complaint since January 2020 has been about explaining - by filing a conceptually matrix-enabled counter-expertise report complementing my published web concept demonstration - how my request for declarative clearance of February 2017 (2) to the amicable settlement commission of the family allowances fund could end up - in late 2019 (3), on the side of the squatting parties - in a situation of impasse conceptually gridlocked by me due to the necessity to counter abusive interference practices by unidentifiable third parties…misleading themselves right into my cassation complaint.Considering further that my counter-expertise demo is just as conclusive on the side of the instruction (initiated by me), as it remains with regard to my web publication (4), and that the cassation procedure is as of now beta-locked on the stumbling block of departure (of January 2020), in the form of my "request for rectification of material errors" against all administrative and judicial instances solicited since 2001, we are currently stuck in the "beta-instruction" of my request for "proto-settlement" of the litigation which abusively hinders - for structural reasons that maintain nothing but the statu(te)s quo - the funding of my NetPlusUltra®-sustained master franchising solution, whose web construction works I therefore had to "beta-gridlock" into a virtuous demo cycle paving the way out of the impasse (in order to prevent any form of concept distortion or misappropriation). The requested "proto-settlement" is expected to take the form of a reparation in due form - i.e. in favor of the "NetPlusUltra®-sustained endowment fund of Daniela BERNDT" to be created (5) - of the situational prejudice sustained.
From a conceptual perspective, this tipping point corresponds to the critical threshold (6) between both meta-reporting perimeters of reference under consideration: the "Debit+Ultra® (to be validated)" on the one side (to the right), and the "Credit+Ultra® (to be constituted)" on the other side (to the left). This critical path is represented by the "+" sign in "NetPlusUltra®", in the sense that this "little something more that changes everything" enables the legitimate author of an intellectual work to successfully cross the threshold (as a process) through which a web franchise-sustained "Next Generation Organization (6)" shall be created, against the background of a self-managed incubation process master-secured to meet all (anti-sectarian) safeguard requirements against all sorts of (sectarian) by-pass practices: from the idea to the materialization thereof, the capitalization process thus remains entirely organic, since the web-sustained master franchising system is conceived so as to deploy itself from the inside-out, one sovereign - i.e. master franchised - web perimeter at a time.
In other words: unlike the internet of social networks, which captures the author entire, the web-sustained master franchising system of Planet+Ultra® empowers the franchised author to endow himself (or herself) with the means to encapsulate all contents of which he (or she) is the legitimate author, i.e. to assume the responsibilities which allow the latter to sustain a living from his (or her) creations, provided the idea to be materialized proves itself sustainable (by satisfying the conceptual integrity requirement).
I welcome the opportunity of this review to remind everyone that, insofar as NetPlusUltra® refers to a global web concept solution in matters of administrative simplification with a view to continuous optimization and further integration, the entirely process-sustained web franchising system of Planet+Ultra® will not provide any form of web-based secretarial services: each web franchised author will be his own admin-configurator, test-user, editor, consultant and instructor, since all these transversal competences define the basic skill set of any web project or program manager tele-officiating by the NetPlusUltra®-sustained concept formula. The objective is to meet the "zero paper" challenge, with digital .pdf-formatted paper tolerated under the condition that it does not become an abusive means to a dead-ended illusion.
Until the instruction in progress results in the expected conceptual settlement, I can only resume my usual new year updates (with the "Writer" modules of graphic bundle 02/10), and complete the remastering works suspended in December of last year (with the "Fortress" modules of graphic bundle 09/10). In terms of the progression of my legal clearance procedure initiated in January 2020 with the cassation complaint announced in my inaugural post of 2020-01-01 (1), we can reasonably conclude from the present status update that the validity of the first (inaugural post) is confirmed - for as far as I am concerned - through to § 6 pertaining to the pending integrative issues (1), which refers to the fundamental assembly stage at which everything is currently solidly "beta-riveted" to the ground.
I thank you for your patience and will update you soon with the next steps.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
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