As a logical continuation of the consolidation announced in my recent posts, I performed in October a comprehensive update in form (settings) and content (backups) of my "dedicated Mailfolios" at each web service level (1 to 3), with a view to the upcoming material and technical reconfiguration, considering that the email identifier, together with the web server to which the first provides access, constitute as you know the baseline for the permanent optimization of all secured networking activity.
Continue readingTags: Gridfolio, Sandbox Alpha, Testfolio Omega
25/03/2021 18:28 Indexed under:
Orga-Tech Watch | Integrative WatchThe preparation of the contents necessary to the construction of the extended Bookfolio libraries mentioned in my post of February 2021 enabled me to confirm both the inadequacy of RapidWeaver for productions with so much "spacetime depth of subject matter focus" (i.e. with so much data volume), and the resulting necessity to use a Content Management System (CMS) such as for this type of web project.
Continue readingTags: Dashfolio, Gridfolio, Rightsfolio, Playfolio
Post published on 2021-03-01
With the new year updates completed, and the parallel instruction of the underlying legal validation procedure still in progress, I’m as of now resuming the remaining remastering works put on hold since 2019 so as to not delay the prioritary instruction of my request for refund of the structural prejudice which I have been cumulating since 2003 (1).
Continue readingTags: Dashfolio, Gridfolio, Kitfolio, Playfolio, Rightsfolio, Testfolio Alpha