Status Update
25/03/2021 18:28 Indexed under:
Orga-Tech Watch | Integrative WatchThe preparation of the contents necessary to the construction of the extended Bookfolio libraries mentioned in my post of February 2021 enabled me to confirm both the inadequacy of RapidWeaver for productions with so much "spacetime depth of subject matter focus" (i.e. with so much data volume), and the resulting necessity to use a Content Management System (CMS) such as for this type of web project.
Accordingly, the production of the Bookfolios dedicated to my Gridfolio (1) and Rightsfolio (2) websites of 2015, together with the Showtime Machine of my Playfolio 2016 (3), is postponed to a later date after the upcoming material reconfiguration, considering further that a comprehensive upgrade is indispensable to migrate from my existing concept demo-oriented starter configuration over to a fully dedicated CMS-enabled production environment.
I'm therefore resuming the pending remastering of the weblog page of my Dashfolio 2014 (4), and will update you again in April with the latest news.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
Tags: Dashfolio, Gridfolio, Rightsfolio, Playfolio