Infrrastructural Considerations
EN version published on 2021-08-31
Now is the time for an infrastructure-focused consolidation of the whole spectrum of technical-legal issues which have been framed into permanent matrix-based auditing since the beginning of my publication phase in 2013, and are now indexed under the "Sandbox" tag of the present website’s Masterfolio page (1).The underlying conceptual perimeter is presented in Keynote 5 of the Slidefolio page (2), and encompasses my Testfolio and Sandbox modules, whose last four iterations (Meta-, Gateway, Alpha and Omega) - which correspond to as many orders of magnitude - aim at securing both the critical interfaces between the app-based (RapidWeaver-enabled) and the CMS-based ( publication modes, and the migration from the publication phase to the production stage through the legal validation procedure (still in progress).
I therefore invite you to visit my Sandbox Alpha (3) to begin with, which was pending consolidation since the creation of the corresponding part of the web construction site in 2018 (4), against the background of the entry into force of the GDPR (5). This first "outside-in" cross-cut, which is entirely interfaced with my Testfolio Alpha through the sidebar redirections, proposes a global resolution of all issues pertaining to the configuration of a sustainable web production environment such as the one which is presented in the "End Credits" section (6) of each of my websites.
While the re-development of my Sandbox Omega has started in parallel with the creation of my Sandbox Alpha, of which the first provides a consolidated "inside-out" overview in the form of a code of ethics for prospective affiliates (i.e. for future franchised members), it will be at least a few more weeks before the publication thereof (7), which I hope to be able to schedule right after the release of RapidWeaver 9. In any case, this publication will take place as part of the launch of the production phase at the latest.
I wish you a pleasant back-to-school season.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther details-
Tags: Masterfolio, Slidefolio, Dashfolio, Meta-Sandbox, Sandbox Gateway, Sandbox Alpha, Sandbox Omega, Testfolio Alpha, Metafolio, Testfolio Omega