The Fifth Season
Against the background of the year-end budgeting and closing period, and the underlying cassation procedure, I can only confirm so far that I have been busy since early November with the development of my agenda 2022, which will be dedicated - considering the current state of things - to all that should already have been reconfigured at this stage to enable me to inaugurate my web production site on January 1st, 2022.
In that respect, the time is right to remind interested visitors that since my first prototype-focused "civil accounting year" (2006 [1]) in counter-interference mode (with a view to the conceptual neutralization of a sectarian problem of abuse of structural defaults through interference malpractice, and vice versa), the conceptual accounting season for the renewal of my annual meta-reporting agenda (2) stretches from November 1st to late February, through 2 x 2 months dedicated respectively to the validation of my updated budget forecast and the closing of the accounts for the elapsed year.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
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Tags: Dashfolio, Kitfolio, Metafolio