Intermission Debriefing
30/06/2021 16:44 Indexed under:
Legal Watch | Integrative WatchEN version published on 2021-07-10
After a month of June entirely dedicated to the "conceptual reframing" of a cassation procedure once again stuck in the acknowledgement of a structural impasse situation (brought about by conflicting instruction formats) similar to those of 2009 (1) and 2019 (2), the time is right for a subject matter debriefing pertaining to such registration-related issues which unnecessarily continue to hamper the work to be done, as summarized in the introductory Keynote 4 preview of the present website’s Slidefolio page (3).Although considerably less constraining than the oldschool "paper-by-RLAR-with-PDF-copy-by-email" vintage formula which I had to resort to during pre-instruction phase 2004 to 2012 (4), the excessively PDF-friendly Content Management System of "Télérecours citoyens (5)" that I have been using since January 2019 (4) still remains largely below the possibilities offered by the HTML-enabled webpage format (6) with which I have been cognitively empowering myself by developing my web-sustained master-franchising solution since 2004 (4). No wonder then that structural gaps keep widening.
Unlike my NetPlusUltra®-sustained web concept solution however, which promotes continuous matrix integration of best practices by and for the underlying web-focused master-franchising system, making the latter a self-certified .org model in matters of risk prevention through conceptualized Earned Value Management (with a view to further improvement and consolidation), the PDF format imposed by collaborative platforms (7) such as Télérecours, while universally recognized as a content exchange and archival medium, nonetheless proves seriously detrimental in the long run, when it comes to establishing and validating evidence that has always been based on straightforward web concept modeling…by the proof-of-concept approach itself (8 & 9).
Among the limitations of this type of document exchange platforms are the following structural flaws (from an objectively GDPR-informed standpoint):
For as far as I can look into them as a complainant at least, such tele-procedures appear to be entirely regulated by a dangerously outdated Code of Administrative Justice (10) which is totally incompatible with the economic counter-intelligence (11) rules and processes that apply to citizens and entities of the private sector.
Due to the unpredictable development of the said tele-procedures, tele-filed requests are delivered by default to an inflationary risk of misdirection from one appeal to the next, i.e. to a heightened cumulative risk of procedures flawing themselves both in form and content.
A PDF document is not - by nature - flexible enough (in terms of multi-modularity) to provide for interactive multi-perspectivation (by hyperlink indexation), considering further that the interactivity of such documents which contain hyperlinks tends to get disabled upon registration of a filed document, i.e. upon creation of a time-stamped digital copy thereof.
Uploaded documents remain downloadable, which, considering the overall lack of transparency of the user interface in terms of administrative follow-through and exchange, entails a significant risk of information scattering.
The matrix-sustained process for conceptual counter-expertise which I developed and fine-tuned during all these years of research in sustainable web development fortunately helped me to contain such structural pitfalls with each new application of the same meta-process, so much so that the auditing grid which I used with a view to the conceptual separation of concerns for the purpose of the instruction of my cassation complaint of January 2020 was optimized - according to a rationale providing for "linearized (12)" preliminary validation - for the HTML-based (i.e. website-enabled) output format: insofar as the latter sustains subject-matter-focused multi-perspectivation across space and time (4), this approach provides for the possibility to resort to conceptual reframing operations along the way, in such cases when the acknowledgment of long established evidence takes too much time due to the limitations inherent in PDF-based reporting, as it happened in June.
In other words: my initial cassation complaint request is none other than the matrix-enabled script of the "alpha case study" which I had to produce for the purpose of the clarification of my declarative situation, against the background of the formation of my "Next Generation web Organization", all the more so as the latter refers to the prototype (13) which I developed in a situation of legitimate self-defense, i.e. under the excessive constraint of abusive sectarian interference facilitated by "pre-embezzled property", i.e. by real estate perimeters pre-flawed in such a way (14) that the dismantling of accomplished facts has to be proved necessary prior to any funded business creation (i.e. before any formation of an organization subsidized so as to provide financial compensation for the prejudice sustained from excessive interference).
This "master request folder" on Télérecours citoyens is intended for integration into my Trustfolio-based (15) web author case study section (or Casefolio [16]), which means that the conceptual integr(al)ity of the proof-of-concept demonstration is beta-secured on my side of the web (17), in such a way which literally draws (i.e. frames) the structural default lines - by the proof-of-concept rationale - into the corresponding process-sustained problem-solving matrix. Such contradictory "by-default-validation" of established incidence is rather good news, insofar as the demonstration leads straight into a "point-zero-like" impasse situation which enables to confirm - from a conceptualized (i.e. feasible [18]) perspective - that it is the European code of intellectual property in the strictest French expression thereof (indeed) which now needs to be transformed into a web franchising service master-certified as operational.
The structural flaws (interference loopholes) which keep confirming themselves against the background of the cassation procedure in progress are therefore the ones which should compel a justice system worthy of that name to admit that there is no (longer) expecting the author and carrier of the "non plus ultra" in matters of master-secured web incubation (by the NetPlusUltra®-sustained web concept solution) to run all structural risks arising from the unavailability on the general web market of the web-sustained master-franchising solution that needs to be implemented, especially if the latter has reached a level of performance such that it enables the conceptually mastered formation of the founding legal (incubator) entity, in such a way which includes the reparation - in favor of that specific "Next Generation web Organization" to be created - of the entire (moral, financial and patrimonial) prejudice accumulated so far (since 2000) by the legitimate program author and carrier (i.e. by me [19, 20 & 21]) due to the excessive abuse of sectarian interference arising from the structural flaws which (still) need to be neutralized prior to the formation of any type of web organization (regardless of size).
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
- (Keynote 4/4)
- (external link disabled; please select the URL for a right-click-enabled manual search).
- (external link disabled; please select the URL for a right-click-enabled manual search).
- (external link disabled; please select the URL for a right-click-enabled manual search).
- (Keynote 3/4)
- The term "Casefolio" is derived from "case study" and "showcase (which, in the present example, refers to my concept demonstration)".
- "Conceptualized for the sake of applicability" shall be understood in the sense of "gLocalized to meet all needs of the author-user-tester in matters of legal protection".
Tags: Casefolio, Extrafolio, Dashfolio, Kitfolio, Masterfolio, Trustfolio, Infolio, Metafolio, Namefolio